Wee Notes

This is William’s blog for some notes as the year progresses.

Rain on Grid?

Speaking to Jonny earlier this morning, he is well advanced on a rain on grid hydraulic model which is ideal for assessing minor watercourses across a site. Key to this is the increasingly detailed available LiDAR dataset which, once we have truthed it using our in-house survey equipment, provides an ideal platform for the analysis. This is very much ‘here be dragons’ type of work and Jonny brings considerable skill to his work on a daily basis.

February 2025

Looking forward to restarting earthworks at a site in Bishopton. Here we are ensuring that the upfilling of the site does not result in excessive compression of the Clyde Alluvial deposits. We have been carrying out such settlement analysis work for several years as part of the overall Masterplan and have built up considerable expertise in this area.  
